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The Rover team builds a mock Mars rover that competes in Hanksville, Utah at the University Rover Challenge at the Mars Desert Research Station. The team consists of three major sub-teams, ECE team (Software and hardware), Mechanical team, and Science team. Each team focuses on different systems of the rover in collaboration with the other teams.

Members are involved in the design and manufacture of all required components and systems of the rover. The rover must be able to navigate autonomously through rough terrain, operate a dexterous robotic arm, use in-situ scientific tests to detect life, and more. With such a versatile range of projects available, team members are sure to find something that interests them. No experience is required to join, and members are free to select their sub-team of interest.



Work on designing and manufacturing the mechanical components of the rover. The main projects this year are the suspension redesign, new chassis design, and modifications to the robotic arm. 


Work on projects that cover power systems, mechatronics, control systems, autonomous navigation, machine learning, printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing, and more.


Design methods for remotely detecting extraterrestrial life and determining habitability of planets. Gain useful experience in scientific research methods and experiment design.


Curious to know what goes into the operations of a large competitive design team? Within the logistics team, there are opportunities to work in finance, marketing, industry relations, and general team logistic projects.